Resources for P3D

Check out a collection of tools, models, examples to use with P3D and speed up your design.

T-mesh v1.7

by Lizard King | for P3D 2.1

The level and model designer solution for P3D
Now with realtime 3D preview!


free for commercial or non commercial use


by VoyVivika | for P3D 2.1

3D model editor and model loader for P3D

open web

kindly crafted by VoyVivika, check the website for latest versions and all informations!


by Lizard King | for P3D 2.1

Heightmap Elevation Export tool, allows to easily export elevation data of an heightmap file (8 bit greyscale, 8 bit alpha channel or P3D 16bit format) to use for collision detection in P3D


free for commercial or non commercial use


by Lizard King | for P3D 2.1

Text to 16 bit heightmap, generates a 16bit heightmap in P3D format from a delimited values table


free for commercial or non commercial use

Zombie city source code

Download the full source code of this example, feel free to play around and customize it,
or look how the level was assembled and the few game events needed to make it playable,
simply copy-paste your P3D 2.0 engine group in the event editor and enjoy!

Download source

Play the compiled example

Send your models, examples, skyboxes,
everything P3D at lizardking@lizardking.co

Guidelines: you must own the rights to redistribute the graphics you use in your files,
specify the license you want to apply to your creations